These usage guidelines define limits and liberties of using our projects, please read carefully to avoid any confusion and eliminate any possible questions you have. If you do not agree with one or more of the following statements below, we invite you to restrain from using our projects.
By downloading our projects you agree with the following:
Each logo for our projects is created by us exclusively for the respective projects.
Not allowed: using the logos as your own individual, brand or software identity.
Allowed: using banners (if available) as a way to spread the word.
Resource Packs
Creating resource packs takes a lot of time, respect that.
Not allowed: claiming ownership of our textures.
Prohibited: stealing. Stealing is: not providing original links, project name, original creator’s name, or claiming it as someone elses.
Allowed: decompiling, altering, remixing only for personal use.
Allowed: using our resource packs as base for your packs only for personal use. All resource packs that use textures from our resource packs as base called remixes.
Media & Servers
Not allowed: Redistributing any content of our projects (e.g. .zip, .mcpack files). People must have access to the most recent updates on this website.
Allowed: Redistributing link to projects as a way of promotion, you must provide link directly to that respective project page on this website, e.g. for Depixel resource pack.
Allowed: using our projects and their remixed versions in your videos, streams, photos, art, Minecraft servers only if you do not share remixed versions publicly and do provide link to that respective project page on this website.
Not allowed: using our projects in third-party commercial projects (games, movies, software, etc.) without contacting us and arranging terms between us.
Prohibited: hiding this site, official download links, remixed versions of our projects behind paid link shorteners (e.g. AdFly,,
These terms are ex post facto. In case of violation of any of these terms we may take legal actions against the violator.
The guidelines can be changed at any time, with or without notification.
Note: you can/can not do no matter what with our projects if we decide that.
Be responsible.